Saturday, September 14, 2013

Oh how the time FLIES!

A few of you have been asking for updates-so I gave in :P  I did mention in my first post I am terrible at keeping up with online blogs!  :)

My status= 43 lbs gone! In one week I lost 7lbs!  I couldn't believe it.

I do have a confession-I have 'cheated' in the last few weeks :(  I'm kinda bummed, but it's ok.  I didn't over eat, and it was only one meal in the day, not all day.  I had portion sizes.  I found out that I do not have to reach a certain goal for the surgery that I am going with (I'll explain more further on), so I have been a bit more laxed and just trying not to stress out.  But I also do not want to gain back, thus it has been once a day (not every day) and I do not over eat...well..maybe the once I over ate at Bry and my favorite mexican restaurant...but as I said...that's okay.  I have always felt if you're on a diet, and you do not give into your cravings, in the long run it will not be successful at all.  If I want something, I'll usually let Bryan get it then have a bit.  I do not need the whole thing, and the bite is perfect.  If you train your brain that does work.  It seriously does.  There are a few things that I won't give into though.  1) Soda 2) Pizza 3) Potato Chips  Those three...I can't just have a portion size, I will overeat.   Even if I had will-power...definitely don't think I could. Also, I have been keeping up with my walking, I even did two miles a few days!  That's big for me!

On another note.  I have decided not to go with the RNY surgery.  I am going to be having a procedure done called the 'Duodenal Switch" or the DS.

My surgeon is Dr. Rabkin, located in San Francisco.  You can find out all about the surgery there. (in great detail)

A quick summary:

It's the gastric sleeve surgery, but along with the sleeve-they actually shorten your intestines.  The outcome of this is, I will lose weight faster as I absorb less calories and will no longer absorb fat.  Another plus, is the long term success rate for this is much higher.  The downfall, I am going to have a really hard time absorbing vitamins.  So for example instead of taking 2 pills a day for a vitamin like I would with RNY I will have to take 3, sometimes 4 pills.  So when it boils down to it, I'll be taking pills every 2-3 hours.  But to me, to weigh less and stay stable that way outweighs the 'chore' of taking pills every few hours.  I'm very excited about this. 

Now my process to get this done:

Tues-Sept 17th I will be going to my official consult with the surgeon.  After this, he will tell me all of my prestesting that needs to be done.  Things like bloodwork-ekg-stress test-ultrasounds, etc.  Once I have been cleared for surgery,'s scheduled!  I  am starting on Weds and bugging my dr every day until she schedules everything (everything is referral based, so I cannot schedule.  Dammit)

On a side not, to refer back to the last blog, Goals.  I have started a smashbook to help me stay motivated on my journey.  Let me tell you how much fun I am having with it!  You can get them cheaper on Walmart-they are currently having some of them on sale for $5!  I have now started one for crafting- one for Post op tracking and more.  I have 2 more blank ones that I bought for backups in case I figure out what to do!  Perhaps for my  next blog I will post some photos of the smashbooks.  :)

Thanks everyone for the support, this journey is so exciting.